Somogy Társadalmi Felemelkedéséért Nkft.

Somogy Társadalmi Felemelkedéséért Nonprofit Kft.

    Közérdekű adatok
    Projektek, pályázatok
    A vezető tisztségviselők és a felügyelő bizottság bérezése

Közérdekű adatok


Postacím: 7400 Kaposvár, Fő u. 10.

Projektek, pályázatok

A nemzetközi projektben a Somogy Társadalmi Felemelkedéséért Nonprofit Kft. konzorciumi partnerként vesz részt. A pályázat célja a zöld infrastruktúra fejlesztése, fejlesztési lehetőségeinek vizsgálata. A pályázat megvalósítása magyar oldalon az ITS-ek és a Zöld Városok program lehetőségeit vizsgálja, valamint a nemzetközi példák alapján a projekt közben az NGM felé javaslattételeket fogalmaz meg a zöld infrastruktúra fejlesztésével kapcsolatban.
A pályázat megvalósítása 2017. január 1-én kezdődött meg, összesen 5 évig tart.
A pályázat teljes költségvetése 2 164 000 EUR, ebből konzorciumi partnerként 215 000 EUR jut a Somogy Társadalmi Felemelkedéséért Nonprofit Kft. által vállalt tevékenységekre.

- Town & Country Planning Association – London
- Cornwall Council – Cornwall
- Provincial Government of Styria, Department for environment and spatial planning – Ausztria
- City of Amsterdam – Amszterdam
- Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region – Ljubljana
- Bratislava Karlova Ves Municipality – Pozsony
- Municipality of Ferrara – Ferrara

The PERFECT project was created as a result of the TCPA’s management of the Green Infrastructure Partnership (GIP) in the UK, a network of over a 1,000 cross­sector organisations involved in the protection,
development and exploitation of the natural heritage. This, combined with the TCPA experience of the GRaBS project and stimulated by the DG­Rural and Urban Policy ‘Guide to Multi­Benefit Cohesion Policy
Investments in Nature and Green Infrastructure’, lead us to believe that the multi­use of green infrastructure could, and should, be a catalyst for Growth and Jobs. The UK GIP identified that, despite considerable
evidence on the multiple benefits of GI for Jobs and Growth, there was limited ERDF investment in green infrastructure and that Managing Authorities needed persuasion to make investments in natural heritage. We
researched EU Green Infrastructure networks such as the European Green Belt, ENGINE and the Europarc Federation promoted in the EC’s Green Infrastructure Strategy, for how jobs and growth can be secured
through the multiple benefits of natural heritage. Partners were identified across Europe ­ from regions with good practice in implementing solutions for natural heritage based on a promotion of specific benefits (health
in Amsterdam, GreenNet in Styria) and regions facing specific challenges that natural heritage can help address (pressure on urban green spaces in Ljubljana, access to good quality natural heritage in Cornwall).
Three partners were involved in the TCPA lead INTERREG IVC project GRaBS, which has strengthened co­operation. Five of the partners address ERDF OP Policies, each one bringing a different perspective to TO6. As
a result, the partnership was formed with specifically chosen challenges and expertise and a partner meeting was held in London, May 2015 but an application was not submitted in the First Call. Partners were actively
involved in shaping the direction of the project through regular communication in order to ensure the balance of the partnership and its activities reflected the strengths and unique challenges in each of the regions.
Partners were asked to submit early on their proposals for how they would seek to improve policy instruments and the methods to be used, and this was evaluated and revised further as a result of feedback from the
lead partner, taking an holistic and balanced approach to the partnership and ensuring a coherence and consistency with the regular input of all partners. The input of partners was also sought on their stakeholder
groups to make sure that the full value of this was reflected across the partnership; they also each submitted communications targets and objectives. The partners have been selected as a balance between capital cities (Ljubljana, Amsterdam and Bratislava) as well as the city of Ferrara, and regions (South Transdanubia, Styria, Cornwall), to reflect the ability of green infrastructure to strengthen both urban and wider regional development
The socio­economic and environmental services provided by the protection, development and exploitation of natural heritage in urban areas are collectively known across Europe as Green Infrastructure (GI) and the
aim of the PERFECT project is to improve the implementation of regional development policies and programmes, in particular Investment for Growth and Jobs, through the integration and awareness­raising of the
multiple benefits of GI into partner municipalities, Managing Authorities and stakeholder groups. Environmentalists have long argued the crucial role of eco­systems and the need for biodiversity in built­up areas, and
although this is a key argument for the protection of natural heritage, in recent years, additional benefits of GI have been identified which can be linked to the Growth and Jobs agenda. From climate change adaptation
and mitigation, health and leisure benefits, energy and education, tourism, and economic uplift, urban GI is key to the future viability of European towns and cities.
The resource efficiency and proactive use of GI has the ability to contribute to economic, social and territorial cohesion by improving the lives of people regardless of income, background or status. Investments in nature
today can save money and promote economic growth in the medium and long term. It is an integral part of the transition to, and the foundation of, a resource efficient, green economy that leads to jobs and growth. The
issue being addressed in PERFECT is the identification of the multi­benefits of GI investment through Structural Funds Operational Programmes and other policy instruments to enable a holistic and integrated
approach to the protection and development of the natural heritage. The challenge faced is to raise awareness of policymakers, public professionals, politicians, planners, health, tourist and economic officers,
investors, developers, and the community, that natural heritage has many functions and that an holistic approach on the multi­benefits will create Jobs and Growth.
The European Commission produced an EU­wide strategy for GI in May 2013, which responds to the challenge of protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency. A main aim of the strategy is to improve
access to finance for GI projects. In line with Europe’s 2020 Strategy GI can act as a catalyst to economic growth by attracting inward investments and generate employment and other benefits including reduced
environmental and health costs and promoting tourism. Experience has shown that investing in GI can contribute to the recovery of Europe’s economy by fostering innovative approaches and creating new green
businesses. Green jobs already represent around 5% of the job market. Cohesion Policy has the potential to be a catalyst in developing resource efficient green economies that acknowledge the multiple benefit
opportunities that inherently exist as part of investments in nature. The European Commission has long recognised the important role that local authorities play in improving the environment. The European Green
Capital Award, awarded to Ljubljana for 2016, has been conceived as an initiative to promote and reward cities that are frontrunners in these efforts. Amsterdam, another PERFECT partner, is the European Innovation
Capital of 2016.
Through the exchange of experience, peer working, identification of good practices and study visits achieved via interregional co­operation, PERFECT partners will bring their own expertise and competencies on the
natural heritage to the project: Amsterdam and health benefits; Bratislava on climate change; Ljubljana on biodiversity, and Ferrara on interconnectivity. For regional partners: Styria is expert on legal structures for multi­
use GI; STRDA on monitoring; Cornwall on delivering devolved GI. We therefore believe that the InterregEurope programme provides the perfect arena for the transfer of good practices across Europe on the multi­
benefits of GI.

Beszámolók: A projekt megvalósítási időszakának első partneri találkozójáról készült beszámolót rövidesen feltöltjük.

A vezető tisztségviselők és a felügyelő bizottság bérezése

A felügyelő bizottság tagjai megbízatásukat külön bérezés nélkül, társadalmi munkában látják el.

Az ügyvezető havi bére: bruttó 200 000.- Ft

Utoljára frissítve: 2024. 01. 29. 11:08
